Easy to manage

Let’s assume your company wants all computers to be aesthetically uniform: the same wallpapers, the same stand-by screen, the same login messages, etc., using the Group Policy you can implement this method. In general, most of the settings available in Windows can be controlled through Group Policy.


Network security is a huge priority for any company. The last thing you want to know is that because of a simple password set by one of the network users, data security and company security has been compromised. You can use the Group policy to prevent users to set up simple password as „password123”, and to establish minimal requirements when the password are selected. A series of measures to increase the level of security can be implemented by using the Group Policy:

Restrict access to Control Panel
Restrict access to Command Prompt
Prevent software installations
Run scripts at Logon / Startup / Shutdown / Startup / Shutdown
Disable the restart of your computer
Turn off automatic driver updates
Disable the use of mobile storage media
Disable Consumer Experience Promotions
Disable notifications
Stopping and hiding OneDrive
And many others

Cost and Time

Imagine that you are the administrator of a 20-50 computer network and you have to upgrade the system, to install new software, or change a setting on all computers. The idea of ​​moving from computer to computer is unproductive. In addition to the considerable effort made by the administrator, think about all the lost hours while the employees are sitting and watching the administrator configuring their computer. Such a practice is very inefficient.
With Group Policy, you can install / update software and settings from a single location, and you can serve each machine at the same time, more than that you can schedule that updates / installations to be done outside of work hours so that no one will be interrupted during working hours!